
First is worst, second is worsened

It was our second week at Famous Johnny's. There were only 13 people in attendance, but the show was fantastic. Tim hosted, which really helped keep the show going at a quick pace. Nathan, Joe, Scott, Caroline, and I were definitely feeding off of each other, and again, not one person stood out as the best. It was a true team effort. We just need more people to come out on a Wednesday night. The owner had the two comedians that are there this weekend come out and do some stand-up before we went on. I think it really helped get the crowd giggling a little bit. A great idea to warm them up. Week 3 will have to have some marketing to get some more butts in the seats.


sugarbumkin said...

Here's wishing you guys luck on the gigs! *poof!*

I intend to come one sometime...Wednesday is a tricky day for me. But I'm determined!

Jared Brustad said...

New game idea!!!!

Sitting, Standing, Smashing a watermelon with a large mallet.