
Weekend Recap

Got to see Corey and Mo after their show. Didn't get to see the show, but they have a run at Annoyance, and I don't think it will be the last run by any means. So, with fingers crossed, here's to hoping I can catch it. I heard great things.

Saturday saw an IA show at Lucky's. I have to get some things off of my chest.

We haven't had a good crowd at Lucky's in quite a long while. I don't know why. I for one still invite everyone out but our marketing and that location just don't mix anymore. We had 15 people there give or take a few...but what really bugs me the most is that location.

We are playing on a tile floor, so we are not completely free to improvise,the noise from upstairs is sometimes overpowering, especially for those seated in the back, and there has always been a foul odor, but last night it unleashed its fury on us all.

Halfway through our longform the stench hit the stage...it was hard to focus. I for one really don't want to play there any more. There, I said it...now it's out.

Oh, and just for clarification, the smell is...to say it nicely...like swimming in a septic tank that has been filled with 1000 year old poo...

Westport Coffeehouse and Roving Imp are becoming great venues the more and more I play there...I think all improv groups should band together and take advantage of the great spaces that they provide. Besides...they both smell great, and they have beautiful stages where you can play on the ground if you want and the audience can still see you!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Im with you. Lucky's doesn't feel like our home turf anymore. Warming up in the pantry room is miserable, the upstairs noise is too great, the ice machine always goes off... my nostril hairs are burning just thinking about the last half of our long form, and it's not because we stunk.