
A Plethora of News

Hello there. Rehearsal on Tuesday was great, IA is really starting to turn into a solid "team." Everyone is so focused lately. It is a great turn of events and I hope it continues. Comedy City shows continue to be cancelled whenever I am there, which is really starting to be a turn off. The videos Tommy and I are making seem to be getting some good feedback... so far. We are very new at this and are learning a lot. Hopefully they will get better and better. Still no news from the Nebraska videos, but I promise, once I know you will too.

I am still very depressed about the Writer's strike. I hope it is resolved soon. I miss SNL and The Office dearly. Hopefully they come back energized and better than ever. Thank God 30 Rock is still on...for now.

In other news Tommy and I need to start rehearsing for our 2 man show at Improv Thunderdome which starts mid-January. We have discussed it a few times and the only thing we know for sure now is that Jared Brustad will be our director/coach. Very exciting. I have never had a coach for anything except soccer when I was younger, and that was my dad.

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