
High School?

John Robison out in Bonner Springs has started teaching two groups of high school kids (with 4 members on each team) how to do improv. This will culminate in a battle of the two teams type show for Roving Imp. He of course is hoping this will raise awareness of his theatre and help his attendance overall. I have to agree with him for trying. High school kids have to be a part of the answer. They are like our minor league system if you will. They are the ones who will either love it or hate it, and at some point most of us were high school or college kids that fell in love with improv. If he can get one of the kids to stick around and participate with his theatre after the show then I say it was a success.

By the way, the high school show will be on:

Saturday, Dec. 8:
High School Improv Showdown: Piper vs. Mill Valley


TBinKC said...

Considering the fact that Tommy Todd, all of the other Fakers, Nathan Stewart, Joe Henley, the founders of City 3 and Dan Walsh all started in various high school leagues, I'd say you're right.

Children are our future. Whitney was right.

improvclown said...

Tim Mason credits Lighten Up a lot Trish. Don't you wish you still had that going on? Don't ya? DON'T YA!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I just included the ones who are still in KC. Timmy rocks.

And hey...I said I'd help whenever you get it going!