
The Break

Having my last improv shows (for awhile) at the Impfest was great. It was great to go out feeling like I participated in something that helped the community. I haven't been to a rehearsal or a show in over 2 weeks now...and I have to admit that I don't miss it yet. I definitely miss the people, but I don't miss the process right now...and that makes me think that this is a good thing. I need a break. I have been doing this for 10 years now...wow...10 years...and I think it's time to relax for a bit.

My next show will be with John at the Roving Imp on Dec. 9th. A very easy show, little to no rehearsing. I promised him that I would do monthly shows with him and rehearse when we can. He has been so lenient with me...anyone else wouldn't agree to that.

After the new year, I know I want to continue doing Dictionary Soup shows with John once a month, maybe even do a little bit more at The Roving Imp. John even mentioned how he may need help teaching a class there. It would be great to work that part of my improv muscle more.

Other than that, I still don't know what I want to do, but 2010 is still far enough away to give me time to think about it.


Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Enjoy your break, Keith, everyone needs one from time to time.

Jared Brustad said...
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Jared Brustad said...

You Keith, of all people, deserve a break!

Jewels said...

We love you at the imp. :D and you know it. :D

David said...

Keith, Dictionary Soup is 1 of my all time favorite ensamble groups at the Roving Imp and I'm still glad I got a chance to booth one before you went on break.
I look forward to seeing more Dictionary Soup when you get back into the swing of things.
Enjoy your Paternity Leave!