
Tuesday Rehearsal

Great rehearsal last night. We sat down as a group and talked about the last 4-6 weeks of rehearsal and the last show. I just love how everyone can give their input and it is actually listened to and discussed. Overall, it is the directors decision to implement things, but at least we have a voice about the group and it is heard.

We have 3 more rehearsals before Chicago, and we are going to work on some of our weaknesses as a group. Mainly character work. Most of us continually get a note that we are playing to close to ourselves. We'll see how that pans out in the next couple of weeks. We have a private show coming up on Thursday for Black and Veatch, and you won't believe where it is. Famous Johnny's, the place where we were building an audience, putting on great shows, but the owner wanted it to be a stand-up club instead...go figure.

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