
Something beginning, something ending

Friday's meeting went really well. Pete couldn't make it, but Trish, Rob, Nick, and myself all had similar ideas for what we wanted to accomplish as a Thunderdome team. We will be rehearsing a few ideas in the first 2 rehearsals and go from there. It is such a great cast of improv experience, I have to say I feel a little privileged to be a part of such a great group. Thank goodness they said yes to my request to play with them.

Saturday Night Live had their season finale this weekend. Can I just say, for the past few weeks, I have really become a Kristin Wiig fan. Her dedication to her characters is astounding. On top of that, they are all so different. She is definitely great at character work, which is something I am a huge fan of, since it is something I challenge myself to do. On another note, she isn't bad at impersonations either...which is really what character work is anyway.

I advise you to check out some of her characters on SNL.

Her Suze Orman impression is dead on.

Update-I just found out that SNL is going to be doing 22 episodes in season 34 to make up for the strike last year.

1 comment:

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Did you mean finale? I agree with you about Kristin Wiig. From the a-hole couple sketches to her role in the infamous "Dick in a box" sketch, she has always shown something that I appreciated or enjoyed. Some of the characters get annoying after awhile, but that is more a result of the desire to milk something as a writer than it is a performance issue.