
Improv Blog Topic for May

Warm-ups before a show: Good, Bad, or Indifferent.

For me personally, warm-ups before a show are good. I need to get with the group and act silly to forget about my life outside of improv. I need high energy warm-ups so that we get our blood pumping and our brains on the same wavelength. If improv is a team sport, then the team should warm-up beforehand so that we are all with the same game plan. If we don't warm up, then we won't come out with high-energy. I think Del Close was the one who said improvise at your highest intelligence. Well, I won't be at my most intelligent unless I warm-up, but that is just me.

I have to remind myself that all of these topics are opinion based. Sure, someone out there may hate warm-ups, and that's OK. But, for me, I like warm-ups, and would prefer warm-ups before a show, to none at all.

PS--don't forget to stretch:


sugarbumkin said...

those stretchy people look like cavemen.

Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

I was going to ask where you found a picture of Tyne Daly and the Retro Stretchers.