

After reading one of the IO blogs, I heard about a class that ended with each performer sitting on stage while the other performers talked about their positive improv traits. They also gave them some constructive criticism to go along with the positives. (so they didn't get to egotistical I guess)

About a year ago, IA tried this in rehearsal and it lasted for the entire 3 hours. It was a great bonding experience. We tried it again Tuesday night, but this time limited it to only positive comments. It is now the directors job to criticise anyway. This is always an insightful moment into what the other players think of you. I have to say I absolutely love it. I personally think that it keeps the team focused on the task at hand. Which is ultimately...that we are a team, and we each have strengths that we bring to the table, and we are always looking for a way to make our partner look better, so that the show succeeds. After Tuesday night, everyone is reminded again why they do this, and why they love being a part of IA. I recommend that every group do this once in awhile, it just gives you an awesome warm feeling in your body. (not the sexual kind though)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At the start of every year, I get the Exit 16 kids to partner up, tell each other why they're excited to be on stage together, then switch until they've all talked to everyone. I finally realized I have to leave at least 30 minutes for them to do it, because they really get into it. I've never heard what they say to each other, but I know they love doing it.