
Comedy City

That is the front entrance of Comedy City in Kansas City, MO. I had shows here on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Each show had small audiences, but they were all still fun. Even though there are multiple things to complain about here at Comedy City, (mostly by those that have been there for a very long time, or the alumni) I am having a blast. On Friday night, there was supposed to be an improv jam...but only 3 people showed up. Those 3 people happened to be fellow Improv-Abilities players. I wanted to give them a big thanks for coming out even though nothing happened. Joe, thank you for saving my cup from being whisked away by the vicious winds.
Nathan and Magie, thank you for coming out and showing me how to dance in a raving club.

Tommy, thanks for not taking a decent picture for me to make a caption for...jerk.

Now I have to go memorize my lines for CounterClockwiseComedy rehearsal tomorrow. Have a great Sunday, and go chiefs!

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